Wednesday, February 24, 2010

sources revised

i've just reformatted the internet sources from the rutgers libraries:

Kaskuntas, Lee Ann. "Evidence-Based Alcohol and Drug Intervention Effective, Easy to Implement" The Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory & Application Vol.28. Issue 12 Dec2009: p1-7. Print.

Reed, Eliabeth and Guillermo Prado, Atsuchi Matsumoto, Hortensia Amaro. "Alcohol and Drug Use Related Consequenses among gay, lesbian and bisexual college students" Addictive Behaviors Vol.35 Issue 2, Feb2010. p168-171. Print.


  1. This is still not MLA format. Also, you need to annotate two sources. These do look like good sources -- but you need to use proper MLA format and annotate them.

  2. Try to use some time over Break to catch up on the blog posts. The point of the posts is to help you work on the project a little at a time, so that it does not become an overwhelming burden at the end of the semester. You will have greater success and less pain if you take fifteen small steps over time toward your goal than if you try to run a marathon with just a few days to go. Don't put it off.
